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Housing the Unsheltered

Providing Emergency Shelter

One of the main reasons The Mercy Mission House Emergency Shelter was created is to solve the area’s struggles with Housing the Homeless. We’ve dedicated a lot of man-hours and invested countless resources to this charitable cause, and hope you’ll help us continue this work.


Clients have two ways to access emergency shelter at MMH:

1) Full Resident Program - Come into MMH between 9am and 5pm and go through the intake process. This program will allow the resident to stay with us for 30-90 days as we connect them to much needed services in our community. 


2) Emergency Night Relief -  Come to the shelter before 9pm to access emergency shelter services for one night.  Those who participate this way will get a cot in a common area to sleep for the night and have breakfast but will not have access to the other services. 

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